In order to fix some busing schedule issues at the later elementary schools, the district is making some changes to the school hours of three of the schools for next year. At OCRS, the new school hours for students will be pushed up 5 minutes, 8:15 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Students may be dropped off as early as 7:55 a.m. Supervision is not available prior to 7:55 a.m., so students may not be dropped off any earlier. After 8:15 a.m., students are considered tardy and MUST be signed in at the office. This procedure is in place for the safety of all of our students. When weather permits, students gather in the schoolyard prior to entering the school building. During inclement weather, students enter the school immediately and meet in the gym. Students who need to order lunch and/or eat breakfast at school shall proceed directly to the cafeteria upon arrival, then report to the schoolyard or gym (during inclement weather).
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Time Update
There will be land surveyors at OCRS this Tuesday, 6/4 as part of the elementary renovation project. They will be surveying the property of the school. I wanted to let parents and families know in advance so as not to be concerned if you notice surveyors on school property on Tuesday.
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Just a reminder that the OCRS Field Day is being held tomorrow, May 29th during the school day. Mr. Gruczka has been working hard with our 5th grade students to design a wide number of activities and challenges that all OCRS students will have an opportunity to participate in throughout the day. Also, The PTA wants to say "Thank You" with an end of year celebration after Field Day for 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The celebration will include Kona Ice, free hot dogs and hamburgers, a DJ, a cool mist tent, and tons of fun for OCRS families. All OCRS families are welcome to attend!
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Field Day
PBS Kids has a great video to help explain to kids the history and meaning of Memorial Day
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
5th grade went on a field trip to Camp Champlin on Thursday to participate in Project C.O.P.E. Students engaged in a number of physical challenges where they needed to use teamwork to be successful. It was a great experience, ESPECIALLY conquering the wall at the end!
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Conquering the wall
Conquering the wall
Opening circle
1st grade had a terrific field trip to the EcoTarium, Museum of Science and Nature, this Friday. Not only did they learn a lot, but they also had a great time!
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Air Sock
Wind Tunnel
Striking a pose
The 2019-2020 School Calendar can be found at
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Calendar icon
Storyteller, singer, and artist, Keith Munslow, performed at OCRS on Friday for the K, 1st, and 2nd grade students and then again for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. As you can see from the pictures, all of the students really enjoyed the performances!
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Kindergarten focused on the performance
Kindergarten and 1st grade focused on the performance
Keith Munslow and his new storytelling partner
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students enjoying the performance
Don't forget, tonight is the OCRS Art Show and Teaching & Learning Night. The event is from 5:30 to 7:30 and families are welcome to drop in anytime during that span. Here is a preview of some of the AMAZING student artwork on display.
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Student artwork
Student artwork
Student artwork
Mrs. Delauriers 2nd grade class exploring 2D shapes
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
2nd grade 2D shapes
2nd grade 2D shapes
2nd grade 2D shapes
Mrs. Sisco's class working hard on the first day of May
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
K Sitting around the table
K Science on the rug
This is week is Teacher Appreciation Week across the country. Here are some "no cost" suggestions that would make any teacher feel special: - Write your teacher a letter - Draw your teacher a picture - Share a list of why you are thankful for your teacher - Create a short video
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Teacher Appreciation Week
Smithfield's May District Newsletter is now available on this link:
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
2nd grade students earned a "stuffed buddy" day. Here they are working hard with their buddies.
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Working with "stuffed buddies"
Working with "stuffed buddies"
There is a small change to the lunch menu for Tuesday, 4/30. Instead of tacos as one of the lunch choices listed on the menu, that lunch choice will be nachos.
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Friday April 12th was "Purple Up" Day to celebrate and the month of the Military Child and to support military families. Thank you to Major R. Poyourow for stopping by OCRS and a Humvee for our students to see up close!
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
HEAVY backpack
High fives for Major Poyourow
Checking out the inside of a Humvee
Checking out a Humvee
4th graders spent time this morning with Dr. Paolucci learning about the science behind eggs.
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Egg confetti
Lots of answers
Which is stronger, 4th grader or eggs?
Testing the strength of eggs
Our 5th graders had an exciting learning opportunity today with Dave Marchetti's Animal Experiences. Even Mrs. DePetrillo made a new friend!
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Hanging out with an albino milk snake
Snake necklace
Cool little turtle
New friend
April is the Month of the Military Child and we encourage all students to show their support by wearing something purple to school on Friday, April 12th. If your child does not have anything purple to wear, no worries! The PTA has purple rubber bracelets for OCRS students to wear to show their support. Also, a reminder from the OCRS PTA that the Egg Hunt is happening on the OCRS playground on Saturday, April 13th at 10:00 a.m. See the details below: Egg Hunt EGGstravaganza! Bring your basket This Saturday April 13th at 10:00am on the school playground All OCRS students and their younger siblings are welcome!
over 5 years ago, Paul Barrette
Purple Up
OCRS students had the opportunity this afternoon to hear the Newport Jazz Assembly Band perform live at our school! Thank you Mrs. Preston for arranging this performance for our students. Families can learn more at
almost 6 years ago, Paul Barrette
Students watching a jazz performance
Students watching a jazz performance
Newport Jazz Assembly band