A note about filtering...
The Internet filter uses user input, artificial intelligence, site scanning and categorization to classify sites for filtering
Not all categories are blocked at all student grade levels.
Teachers or administrators can request that specific sites be allowed for educational use
The Technology Advisory Group meets quarterly and reviews any filter issues
The TAG is comprised of the Director of Technology, the Asst. Superintendent, the Data Manager and several other school administrators
If you have any questions or concerns about Internet filtering provided by our ISP, please email us at technosps@smithfield-ps.org
Internet Filter Categories
Pornography - Websites with sexually explicit content and nudity.
Drugs - Websites that provide info about prescription and recreational drugs.
Gambling - Anything that promotes betting or risky actions for a reward.
Other Adult Content - Explicit content that may include violence, alcohol, or graphic content.
Social media - Media hosting communities with forums or communities that allow generated content.
Social Networking - Sites used to create personal and professional relationships.
Network misuse - Websites that allow anonymity, hacking, or evasion.
Chat/Messaging - Websites that have their own instant messaging services.
Web Mail - Email services that can be accessed on any device connected to the Internet.
Hate - Any content that hatefully targets another person or group.
Other Search Engines (No Safe Search) - Search engines that don't have a supported Safe Search function.
Streaming Media Sites that host video or audio content that can be watched or heard live.
Games Websites that feature single or multiplayer online games.
Uncategorized (For browser extension only)- Websites that haven’t been scanned and categorized yet. Category blocked in browser extension only.