Governor McKee issues Executive Order mandating masks in all public schools, for all students.
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
COVID-19 Briefing Governor Dan McKee RIDOH
New COVID cases per week in Smithfield are rising... 12 to 18 to 31 in the last 3 weeks. Getting vaccinated is a way to protect yourself and your family and to reduce the overall spread of the virus in the community. A vaccination clinic will be held this Saturday, August 21st, from 9AM to 11AM at Smithfield High School. This is a clinic for all students, family and residents aged 12 years and older. Please pre-register for this clinic at the link below:
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
graph going up
Smithfield will be having a COVID19 Vaccination Clinic on Saturday, August 21 from 9AM to 11AM at Smithfield High School. This is a clinic for all students, family and residents aged 12 years and older. Please pre-register for this clinic at the link below:
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
vaccine needle
What's happening in Smithfield this week? Take a look at this newsletter to find out!
over 3 years ago, Sara Monaco
See this link for all of the wonderful activities happening in Smithfield this week!
over 3 years ago, Sara Monaco
Dear Staff and Families, We are working on plans for the 2021-2022 school year and wish to consider your thoughts on the strengths and challenges about the last school year. Please complete this simple survey. The survey will close by the end of the day on August 10th. Survey link:
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Have you thought about becoming a teacher assistant or to serve as a substitute TA? East Bay Educational Collaborative Presents: Fall Hybrid Teacher Assistant Training This Hybrid training provides you with Teacher Assistant certification. All materials are included. This training will be presented partially in person and via Zoom. Dates: Tuesday, September 21; Wednesday, September 22; Thursday, September 23; Tuesday, September 28; Thursday, September 30; and Friday, October 1, 2021. Attendance is required at all six classes from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. To register:
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Getting Sleep-Ready for Back to School Webinar This free webinar on Wednesday, August 4th from 7 - 8 pm features Dr. Craig Canapari from Yale who will share tips on how to help children achieve a healthful night of rest and transition from summer sleep habits to school days. Use this link to register:
over 3 years ago, Sara Monaco
child yawning
What is happening in Smithfield this week? See this link to find out:
over 3 years ago, Sara Monaco
The August edition of Smithfield's District Newsletter is available on this link:
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
SHS Restrooms Being Renovated! Two restrooms across from the auditorium are undergoing major renovations this summer to include modernized finishes, touchless fixtures, and ADA compliance. The extent of the renovations is best realized through pictures following demolition.
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
demolished bathroom
picture outside demolished bathrooms
A closer look inside the bathrooms
Casting call for Southern Providence County Regional Prevention task Force parent media campaign! This Friday (7/23), from 12-4 pm, SPC is hosting a virtual casting call and selecting teenagers and their parents to be in their new PSA (public service announcement)! It's about listening to your teens and talking with them. If interested, please know first that if you are selected, you must be available to shoot some video and photo on Thursday, July 29th in North Providence. And, if selected, it does pay a stipend! To sign up: email and
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Virtual casting Call:  we're looking for teenagers and their parents to star in our new PSA!
There is so much happening right here in Smithfield this week! Check it out on this link:
over 3 years ago, Sara Monaco
Help Wanted! Substitute paraprofessionals for the ESY program in Smithfield... 8am-1pm, M-Th. High school diploma preferred. No experience necessary.
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
help wanted sign
Smithfield's Summer Learning site can be found at Keep your child engaged to prevent the summer slide!
over 3 years ago, Sara Monaco
Summer learning
Immediately following dismissal of students, teams dismantled technology, loaded boxes onto trucks, disposed of unwanted materials, and readied the building for construction. Here's pictures of work being done at OCRS at 8am this morning.
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
loading boxes onto truck
boxes being slid down stairs
empty classroom
technology packing
Smithfield Rotary installs new SHS Interact Club officers and new Rotary officers and honors Jean Harnois, Smithfield School Committee chair, with the Paul Harris award for her service to the Smithfield community and the Smithfield Rotary club.
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
installation of Interact officers
Jean Harnois
award to Jean Harnois
installation of officers
And they are graduated!
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
graduates with caps in air
Salutary address by Victoria Richard, co-valedictory addresses by Maximilian Chelminski snd Cameron Kasbarian provided inspiration to those gathered at the 2021 SHS graduation
over 3 years ago, Judith Paolucci
co-valedictory address by Cameron Kasbarian
co-valedictory address by Max Chelminski
salutatorian address by Victoria Richard