A Parent Forum is scheduled for this Thursday, August 6th, at 7pm to discuss the virtual option and answer any questions parents may have. From these questions, a FAQ document will be created and posted. The deadline for registering for the virtual option will be August 12th. Good plans cannot be accomplished last minute and we want the BEST for our students! Here's the link to the forum: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/673071381 You can also dial in using your phone. 1 866 899 4679 Access Code: 673-071-381
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
"Parents - the information you need" drawn as a cartoon image
Smithfield's Return to School plan is posted on the red tab on our website as well as here: https://bit.ly/39KyArz
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Smithfield's August Newsletter includes news about summer facility projects. The Return to School Report #7 will be distributed tomorrow & will include information about our response to the governor's decision to allow a virtual choice option for the fall. https://bit.ly/394aWpD
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
New blog post: A Vision for Technology Use in Smithfield https://judypaolucci.edublogs.org/
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Help Wanted! Are you a SHS student who can work as a Technology Assistant during the month of August.? If interested, complete this application, which can only be accessed by Smithfield emails: https://forms.gle/dpsiiPXP1439ibYx8
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Ready for Anything!!! This morning, we toured all 6 Smithfield schools to assess the progress on construction of new entrances at SHS and GMS and renovation work at the elementary schools. We also looked at how classrooms were being rearranged for the fall for maximum distance between desks. In the meantime, we are working on a best practices document, templates, and tools for distance learning. If a return to school buildings is ordered, we will be ready. If a hybrid plan is ordered, we will be ready. If full distance learning is ordered, we will be ready. #safeandsuccessful
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
LaPerche gym under consruction
OCRS classroom desks
GMS entry
GMS classroom
Are you new to Smithfield? Online registration is available for students at all grade levels. Visit our registration site for more information. https://www.smithfield-ps.org/o/smithfield-public-schools/page/registering-a-new-student
over 4 years ago, Sara Monaco
FREE online program for 11th and 12th graders! Do you know any 11th or 12th graders who have something to say? Today's youth are our future. Help them learn how to communicate in a way that they will be heard, and respected. July 27 - August 13, 2020 M,T,W,Th - 1:30 to 3:45 pm REGISTER HERE https://ride.gosignmeup.com/public/Course/browse?courseid=17151
over 4 years ago, Sara Monaco
Youth Restoration Project
Smithfield's Return to School plan includes plans for 3 scenarios: full return to buildings, partial return, and limited return (mostly distance learning) so that we will be ready for whatever the governor decides. #safeandsuccessful See our plan here: https://bit.ly/394aWpD
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Return to School Survey! It is critical that we know how many families are interested in a distance-learning option if it becomes possible. Complete one form per student by July 18th. https://forms.gle/UxFxYGYhsXwSKx4q9
over 4 years ago, Sara Monaco
If you missed last night's parent forum on Smithfield's Return to School Plan, see the video through this link: https://bit.ly/3j9cWkP The three sets of questions and answers can be found on these three links: TRANSPORTATION (https://bit.ly/32kKMNV), SET UP OF CLASSROOMS (https://bit.ly/2OtKmfS), DISTANCE LEARNING (https://bit.ly/2Cz9AXN). If links do not work, please cut and paste into your browser.
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
gotomeeting screen shot
The slide deck for the Smithfield Return to School plan, presented at the July 13th School Committee Meeting, is available on this link: https://bit.ly/2OkTweI
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
First slide for the Smithfield Return to School Plan, presented to the school committee on July 13th
There is still time to sign up for the summer distance learning opportunities offered by the state including art, music, theater, and more! Register TODAY. https://ride.gosignmeup.com/Public/Course/Browse
over 4 years ago, Sara Monaco
Smithfield's Blais family has a learning-cation this summer that has brought statewide attention! Learn how they are visiting our state's towns and writing about their journey and learnings. Their blog address is http://blaisingjourneys.com and here's the segment that Channel 10 did on their summer goal to visit RI towns: https://turnto10.com/news/local/rhode-island-family-turns-canceled-vacation-into-statewide-mission
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Rhode Island map with towns colored as they are visited
Smithfield Families - You're invited to a Return to School Parent Forum on Tuesday, July 14th at 7pm. The forum will focus on three challenges - transportation, physical distancing in classrooms, and transportation. Join us using this link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/813375837 You can also dial in using your phone: 1 877 568 4106, Access Code: 813-375-837 To help us make this forum most beneficial, please ask questions, in advance, on this form: https://forms.gle/x14o2Sw94RTgQLNT8
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
HopeHealth hosts a summer camp, Camp BraveHeart, for grieving children and teens. This year, the program will run virtually on August 17th – 20th between 9am and 2pm. Activities include art and music therapy, yoga, peer support, interactive animal programs, and more!
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Camp BraveHeart flyer with details.  Email CampBraveHeart@HopeHealthco.org, call 888-528-9077.  To register, go to HopeHealthCo.org
Thank you to Bobby Caine and the Smithfield DPW, as well as to our maintenance staff, Joe Petrone and Doug Anderson, who worked on the gardens in front of SHS. They look fabulous!
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
flowers and garden path
purple flowers
garden path
FREE Summer Classes for RI High School Students! The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) is offering a Summer Academy for Interactive Learning (SAIL). This means that you can sign up for Roger Williams University|University College courses for FREE! They are offering 17 classes this summer. Four of these courses are offered for college credit. ALL classes are offered ONLINE synchronously (live) on the days and times listed on the RIDE website. Go to the following link and search for Roger Williams to see all summer offerings: SAIL Summer Courses. https://bit.ly/3gcqBVZ
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
In addition to planning for our return to school and following guidance from the RIDOH and RIDE, our Smithfield Return to School team is staying informed with new research about COVID-19 so that our plan relies on scientific evidence, rather than fear and rumor. Stay informed as well with the newest from the American Academy of Pediatrics: https://bit.ly/2NKJzGY
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
American Academy of Pediatrics logo
The 2nd report from the Return to School Committee is available on this link: https://bit.ly/387voFn
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci